The main objective of the Mentor Committee is to coordinate the mechanisms of implementation of educational policy, spiritual renewal, youth work and student startup projects, i.e. the relevance of research directions and topics to the requirements of the time.
The main task of the Mentor Committee is to conduct cultural events, social status of students, expert hearings, meetings, seminars, making decisions and issuing recommendations to ensure that research at all levels of educational sphere and services are in an innovative direction.
- To lead the implementation of requirements and decisions of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the realization of the strategic development plan of the university in the implementation of integrated educational, scientific and practical work, innovative projects;
- To organize the integration of education, social issues of students and industrial work;
- To make an analysis of OPC in the field of education by rating, to make a proposal;
The mentor committee consists of chairman, vice chairman, general secretary and members of the committee. The chairperson of the committee is the university vice president for social support and educational work. Other vice presidents may also (with their consent), heads of education departments and deputy deans for education, as well as one educated member of the student council.
The composition of the committee is approved on the proposal of the Vice President for Social Support and Educational Work, by order of the President of the University.
TC meetings are held at least once every two months. The meeting of the committee is held with the participation of half of the committee members, the decision is made with the support of 2/3 of the members.
Issues for consideration of the agenda of the TC meeting are approved by the TC Chairman, and members of the committee are notified 5 days prior to the meeting of the Committee.
The work of TC of the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after K.A.Yasavi is carried out according to the plan, which is created every year and approved for the academic year. The work plan of TC is approved annually by the chairman of TC.
Decisions of TC meetings are formalized by minutes. The minutes are signed by the chairman and the secretary general and are distributed in the form of a fragment to the subdivisions related to the discussed issues within 3 working days.