
Educational Objectives and Achievements

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Educational objectives and achievements

Educational objective:

  • organization and conduct of educational, methodological, research work within the framework of the relevant areas of work of the department;
  • the development of the educational process based on international experience, the relevance of state and regional problems of education and science, the state of socio-economic reality;
  • conducting educational and vocational guidance work;
  • training and professional development of scientific and pedagogical staff;
  • implementation of methodological and scientific research, summary of domestic and foreign experience of advanced higher education institutions;
  • organizing and conducting scientific and practical conferences, seminars, and other events for teachers and students on current aspects of national history;
  • publication of educational, methodical, scientific works;
  • ensuring a rational combination of traditional methods and the recent methods of teaching students and enhancing their cognitive activity;
  • mastering advanced pedagogical experience and effective technologies of teaching, training, and creative development of the student's personality.

Principles of development:

• information transparency – openness to all types and forms of cooperation (in the field of educational process and areas of training, retraining, and  professional development; provision of consulting, methodological and expert analytical services, scientific and methodological support; research activities);

• the principle of continuity learning - education does not end with a diploma, but involves subsequent creative and business contacts with graduates;

• the principle of diversity of forms of education – the search for new most requested bachelor's and master's programs, the creation of new professional development and professional retraining programs (distance learning and knowledge acquisition, additional professional education, short-term courses in marketable professions corresponding to the profile of the department);

• the principle of technological efficiency – the search for new forms of conducting the educational process and ensuring effective methods, tools, methods, and procedures for carrying out educational and scientific activities;

• the principle of corporatism - is to create the spirit of a unified team that shares the goals and ideology of the department based on the consolidation and development of traditions and social values;

• the principle of innovation – focus on the intensification of research and project activities, the constant search for funded competitions and grants;

• the principle of integration - is the creation of a system of communication links around the department (with other departments on issues of professional self-determination of students, with graduates of the department and other employers, with school teachers and college teachers, with students of schools and colleges and their parents, etc.);

• the principle of promotion - reliance on the promotion of educational, methodological, and research activities of the department, areas of its preparation by the professorial -  teaching staff of the department (in any departmental, managerial, administrative institutions, industrial and commercial organizations, among potential applicants), as well as by graduates of the department.