History and General information
The Department of History is considered one of the first departments that began its work together with the creation of the university. At various times, the department was named as the Department of “History of Kazakhstan”, “General History”, “Archeology and Ethnology”, “History of the Turkic states”. The department occupies a leading place in the region in the training of historians. The percentage of the scientific potential of the department is 82%.
The teaching staff of the department participates in international and republican scientific conferences, systematically conducts annual “Zhanibekov readings” and also contributes to other international scientific and practical conferences. The department has signed memorandums of cooperation with educational, research bases for internships at foreign universities Akdeniz (Antalya), Hadzhettepe (Ankara), Haji Bayram Veli (Ankara), Mugla sytki kochman (Mugla) and the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan.
The department trains specialists in 2 educational programs of undergraduate, 1 master's and 1 doctoral studies.
The total number of full-time teaching staff units (who have concluded labor contracts), employed in the block of individual disciplines of educational programs' curricula - 20.75. There are 3 doctors of sciences, 11 candidates of sciences, 7 candidates of sciences, 4 masters. The Department of History trains specialists in the directions of educational program 6B01615-History, 6B02231-History, 7M02210-History, 8D01604-History.
In the educational process, the concept of educational programs is based on the principle of training highly qualified competitive specialists focused on solving theoretical and practical problems in the field of education and science. Educational programs regulate the goals, results, content, conditions and technologies for the implementation of the educational process, assess the quality of graduate training in this area of training and include materials that ensure the quality of student training and the implementation of appropriate educational technology. Educational programs for the training of specialists in the field of history are distinguished by the variety of choice of the trajectory of disciplines for the formation of various professional competencies. The disciplines of educational programs are aimed at mastering the basic professional competencies that meet the demands of the labor market.
The teaching staff of the department, along with participation in international and national scientific conferences, increases the share of publications in rating scientific journals (Scopus, Elsevier, Clarivate Analitic, WoS) and domestic publications recommended by the Committee for Control in the Field of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Instagram Facebook, VKontakte, Instagram the teaching staff of the department actively participates in the work to improve the image of the university, the team through social networks.
According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 456 dated November 24, 2020, a state commission was established to fully justify the victims of political repression, within the framework of which regional scientific research is carried out. In December 2022, a collection of six archival documents was published, prepared by members of the working group created at the Department of History, as well as the monographs “The Religious Policy of the Soviet Power and the Persecuted for Religious Motives”, “The Extended List of Victims of Political Persecution”. recommended for full justification”, covering about 4 thousand people. The faculty of the Department of History as part of the working group of the regional commission (Professor Tursun Kh.M., PhD R.Khazretalikyzy) fruitfully continue research in archival funds.
At the Department of History, educational work is carried out to form a healthy lifestyle among students and teachers. Advisors organize meetings with leading specialists of the center for the formation of a healthy lifestyle for the students of the group. The department has a historical and educational club "Atameken", created by students on educational programs. According to the plan of the club, various interviews and meetings are held. In accordance with the approved curriculum, the faculty of the department organizes various events for students in hostels. Currently, 4 curators conduct educational work with groups of students at the department. The students of the department on educational programs participate in cultural and aesthetic events, actively visit the mausoleum of Akhmet Yasawi and Arystan Bab, museums and cultural centers of the city. As part of measures to prevent religious extremism, in the direction of moral and patriotic education, meetings are organized between the teaching staff and students of the department with workers in education and culture.