Department of Support Services
The economic department, which is directly responsible for Economic Work, has been operating since the opening of the University. The economic department continues to function as an economic department since the 2021-2022 academic year.
The Department of economy ensures the cleanliness, sanitary condition of educational, dormitory, outbuildings, sufficient amount of heat, light, drinking water, internal and external telephone communication, as well as the annual detection of defects in these facilities, carrying out major or current repairs and landscaping of the university campus. In the economic department, the heating system is controlled by four boilers. In the boilers there are diesel power plants that produce autonomous current when the city lights are turned off. A well (well) with a water outlet from a depth of 750 M, which provides drinking water to the university campus, is located in the central reservoir. In order to provide the university campus with electric lighting, the University substation with a voltage of 110/35/10 KV provides electric lighting to the campus.
Employees of the economic department – 335 full-time. In Turkestan, there are 7 academic buildings, 5 student dormitories, 3 family dormitories, Magzhan campus, 1 Library, 1 swimming pool, 1 Cultural Center.
Departments under the economic department:
- Economic Department (Department employees, engineers, building managers)
- Power supply department: includes the substation and power Supervision Department and the electrical installation and network repair department.
- Gardening department
- Construction and repair department
- Municipal service department
- Car Department
- Vivarium laboratory
- Technical and automatic service department
- Central warehouse