About Us
Dentist, in short, is the name given to people who fulfill the duty of protecting oral and dental health in people and restoring damaged healthy conditions within the general medical notion and ethical rules.
The mission of our faculty is to prepare dentists who, as a result of dental education, can consider oral and dental health from the perspective of human health and the whole organism, solve problems according to current methods and adapt to new practices and technologies that will develop in the future.
Studying at our faculty is completed in 5 years, and candidates for dentists, who have completed this study, undergo practice in various clinics in the 6th year, and at the end of this period, they receive the title of dentist. In the 4th and 5th years of the 5-year educational process, the faculty continues to complete practical lessons under the guidance of expert instructors and to coordinate with other universities participating in the Bologna process.
The course syllabus for students enrolled in the 2017-2018 academic year has been modified to ensure that the program is in line with the Bologna Process and Faculty of Dentistry in the Republic of Turkey. Thus, it will be possible for our students to transfer horizontally and vertically between countries participating in this process.
In this academic year, 1st and 2nd grades are educated with a curriculum in accordance with the Bologna process.
Agreements have been made with many clinics in the city of Turkestan for the practical training of our other students.
In addition, our faculty has a capacity-building dental clinic that allows students to perform and/or observe hands-on application to patients during their studies at the faculty, and phantom and prosthetic technical laboratories for students to learn pre-clinical research, as well as apply and experiment with models and mock-ups.
In our faculty, education is given in Kazakh, Turkish, Russian and English and translations are made.
Our faculty has a total of 616 students, 336 of them receive free education and 280 receive paid-basis education. 319 students from Turkey (TTE scholarship - 144, Turkey scholarship - 105, Turkey scholarship for KTL - 70), and 17 students from Kazakhstan receive non-refundable scholarships.
Students who continue their studies at our faculty organize various cultural and artistic events such as concerts, exhibitions, trips and conferences throughout the academic year.
In our university, which has a dormitory with 2309 beds, 436 dental students are accommodated in dormitories, 10 of which are free of charge.
All of our students' lunch and dinner needs are met in 5 cafeterias on campus.
There are also many canteens that meet the various needs of students.