
About Us

About us

The Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities is the main center in the region, training highly qualified specialists in the field of preschool, primary education, pedagogy and psychology, national and world history, and journalism. Training of specialists is carried out according to a three-stage system: bachelor, master, doctor of philosophy. During the educational process, special attention is paid to mastering foreign languages, providing quality education, and establishing close contacts with other organizations. Graduates of the faculty are in demand in the field of science and education, in administrative and cultural work, in the internal affairs system, and in the service of the National Security Committee. Graduates of our faculty are among prominent political, public and scientific figures of the republic and region. Specialists are trained in basic educational programs in pedagogy, psychology, history and journalism. The faculty has 577 students studying in 13 educational programs. Among them are international students from countries such as Turkey, China, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Russia, Uzbekistan and Afghanistan. Lectures are given to students by qualified teachers. Among them: 3 Doctors of Science, 28 Candidates of Science, 15 Candidates of Science, 20 Masters - senior teachers. The departments of “Preschool and Primary Education”, “Pedagogy and Psychology”, “History” and “Journalism” are engaged in training specialists. Specially designed interactive lecture halls, a library equipped with the latest technology, Internet classes, a sports complex, a student canteen, and dormitories have been created for students.

The Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities recognizes that its main task is to prepare a highly educated, energetic, patriotically loving person, open to innovation and prone to innovation, on the basis of advanced training, basic education, and humanistic education.

The faculty is implementing research projects totaling 115,126,766.50 million tenge. Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Zh. Torybaeva won a grant project from the Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for grant financing of scientific and scientific-technical projects for the period 2023-2025, project name: IRN AP19676522 “Formation of a healthy lifestyle university students based on an analysis of the indicators of the World Health Organization scale ((WHOQOL-BREF) KAZ).” Associate Professor of the Department of History, PhD K.Bazarbayev won a grant project from the Committee on Science of the Committee on Science of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the period 2023-2025 for grant funding of scientific and scientific-technical projects, project name: “AR19676634 Political, legal experience and development of the direction of historical and cultural integration of Turkic-speaking countries." Over the past 3 years, the faculty of the faculty has published 29 articles in world-class scientific journals, 61 articles in publications recommended by the Committee for Control of Education and Science of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.