
Our History


The Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities is one of the oldest faculties, existing since 1991, since the founding of the university. Although the name of the department changes from year to year due to structural changes, the department was originally called "History". The first dean of the faculty was Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor Maduanov S., and in subsequent years the faculty was headed by Professor Hussein Sever, Professor Akhmet Tashagil, Professor Shefaatdin Severzhan, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor Zhetibaev K., Candidate of Historical Sciences E. Tolegenov, Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor S. Abzhalov.

The faculty had departments of general history, history of Kazakhstan, history of the Turkic states, archaeology, ethnology and museum studies, general psychology, general pedagogy and ethnopedagogy. The faculty trained professionally qualified specialists for the region and neighboring Turkic states. Famous domestic and foreign historians, professors M. Abiltain, G. Chandarlyoglu, Z. Isabekov, S. Tashenov, M. Adikhanov, T. Dauvirbaeva, Zh. Zhanpeisova and others worked and contributed to the development of the faculty. In the field of pedagogy, candidates of pedagogical sciences, professors Kerimov L., Kurbankozhaev S., Ospanova B., Babaev S., Usmanov A., Ibraimzhanov K. Atemova K.T.  and others contributed to the development of the faculty. Many students studied with experienced, famous scientists and teachers.

Currently the faculty has 4 departments. Since 2024, the faculty has been headed by Phd associate professor A.A. Kuralbaeva.