The Institute is actively involved in conducting extensive archaeological research in Southern Kazakhstan (Turkestan and Kyzylorda regions).
1. "Archaeological Monuments of Karatau" (2006-2008) (S. Murgabayev)
2. "Petroglyphs of Greater Karatau" (2015-2017) (S. Murgabayev)
3. AR 05132449 "Ancient and Medieval Karatau: Study of Monuments in the Context of Continuity" (2018-2020)
Currently, the Institute of Archaeology has received funding under the "Scientific and Scientific-Technical Programs for 2021-2023" from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Science Committee. Specifically, the project "Comprehensive Archaeological Studies of the Historical-Cultural Heritage Site - Medieval Settlement of Syganak" (BR10965310), conducted by PhD, Associate Professor M.A. B.S. Sizdikov, has been funded. Another project funded is under the priority of scientific and scientific-technical development in the field of social and humanitarian sciences, with the titles "Research in Social and Humanitarian Sciences" and "International, Applied, and Interdisciplinary Research in Social and Humanitarian Sciences" (GRANT AP13068455). Additionally, the project "Comprehensive Archaeological Research at the Ancient Settlement of Kultobe in the Keles District" (AP19678134), conducted by PhD, Associate Professor M.A. B.S. Sizdikov, is funded. These projects aim to conduct archaeological research in Syganak city, Myntobe region, and the Keles district.