


Achievements of the department:

•     Teachers of the department were certified in connection with the pandemic situation at a 72-hour seminar “Training and assessment in distance educational technologies.” (13.04.-18.04.2020)

•    Teachers of the department have been certified in the Oxford Professional Development Webinar "Teaching and Learning Online in Tertiary with OUP". (27.10.2020)

•    Teachers of the department completed a 72-hour seminar “New Pedagogy. Program design. New methods of online teaching." (08.11.-10.11.2020).

•    In the 2021-2022 academic year, teaching staff also achieved success in teaching English, Akeshova Nassiba Murzakhanovna received a TOEFL certificate, Ospangalieva Gulzhan Usenbaykyzy received an IELTS certificate and a certificate of National Qualification Testing in English.

•    Burkitbaeva M.A., Agaidarova K.H., S.M., Yakiyaeva G.Sh., Sultanbekova Zh.K., Kabylova O.K., Akeshova N.M., Dadazhanov F.A. Teaching staff “Teaching” English as a Foreign Language: Methods in Action-Coping with heterogeneity in the classroom "from 04/04/2022 to 04/29/2022 received a certificate of advanced training course.

•     On October 21, 2022, teachers of the department Alipkhan G. K., Yakieva G.Sh., Dzhamalova S. A. were awarded the 30th anniversary badge for their special contribution to the development of the university. Senior teacher Burkitbaeva Meruert, in honor of the teacher's holiday, added to the success of the educational institution. For her contribution, the university received a letter of gratitude on behalf of the university.

•    On November 30, 2022, the head of the Department of General Academic English, Zhanataev Kazakbay Abdualievich, was awarded a badge “for services to the trade union as an education and science worker.”

•    In February 2023, teachers of the Department of General Academic English, Erdenova Sandugash and Sultanbekova Zhaudir successfully passed the exam to determine the level of the Turkish language, organized by the Yunus Emre Institute in 2023 and received a certificate at level B2.

•     Teacher of the Department of General Academic English Kyzdarbekova M. successfully completed the course “Inspiring and Motivating Individuals”, organized by the University of Michigan, online in June 2023.

•     In July 2023, teachers of the department M. Burkitbaeva and Y. Alimova passed the TOEFL ITP test and received a certificate.

•    The teacher of the department Agaidarova Kundyz successfully completed the online course “TEACHING IELTS” from 09/25/2023 to 11/10/2023 and received a certificate.


 Student awards, letters of gratitude

On April 19, 2019, under the guidance of department teacher Utegulova Gulzat, 1st year student of group ZKT-813 Keldenbaeva Zhamila took third place at the Republican Student Olympiad in the Language of the Region among 1st year students of non-linguistic specialties at the Department of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Philology, Eurasian National University. L. N. Gumilev with a 3rd degree diploma was awarded

 In November 2022, at the XXXI scientific and theoretical conference of students’ in the sections “English” the following students were awarded:

        1st place was given to Dzhunaidullaev Izatulla from STK-103. 
        Topic: Procrastination (supervisor: teacher M. Z. Zhanibekov)
        2nd place was given to Kabir Khairy Muhammad EEC – 211group.
        Topic: Demand for the chosen for labor market (supervisor: teacher Kabylova O.K.)
        2nd place Gulami Abdul Latif Assadullah. Student of the EEM group - 212.
        Topic: The main factors that affect the success of Women managers. (Scientific supervisor: teacher Sultanbekova Zh.)
        3rd place was given to Zhanabaeva Balaussa a student of the EMS group - 211 Topic: Receptive skills (supervisor: teacher A. Nurmanova)