


Department Achievements:

•    In the academic year 2014-2015, as part of the "Orleu" program, the department completed an internship at a university in the United Kingdom and undertook a research internship at Leiden University in the Netherlands. In the same year, the opportunity arose for lecturing within the exchange program between students and faculty named after Maulana.
•    In 2018, department faculty member Meirbekov A.K. successfully defended his candidate and doctoral dissertations at the Women's State Pedagogical University in Almaty, earning a Ph.D. Additionally, Ph.D., senior lecturer A.K. Meirbekov was awarded a research grant from the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2020 and held the position of chief scientific advisor from 2020 to 2022.
•    From 2014 to 2020, Z.M. Duisembekova successfully completed her postgraduate studies at Gazi University in Turkey and currently works at the department.
•    In 2019, senior lecturer Sherimbetova M.A. conducted lectures as part of the Mevlana program, exchanging experiences between students and faculty at Ordu University in Ordu, Turkey.
•    In November 2019, senior lecturer Makenova G.T. conducted lectures as part of the Mevlana program, exchanging experiences between students and faculty at Balikesir University in Balikesir, Turkey.
•    In 2020, the department took 2nd place in the ranking of educational programs of universities (ATAMEKEN) for the educational program 6B02335 - "Translation Studies: English Language."
•    A Memorandum of Understanding was signed for a joint educational program in the field of training "7M023-Languages and Literature" between E.A. Buketov Karaganda State University and the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after H.A. Yassawi. Lectures are planned to take place in the first semester of the 2023-2024 academic year.

Research Projects

•    A. K. Meyrbekov organized a toponymic expedition across the Republic of Kazakhstan: compiling an etymological catalog of geographical names in 4 languages (Kazakh, Russian, English, and Latin) with a grant of 12,000,000 tenge (project funded by the grants for young scientists of the Republic of Kazakhstan, project leader).
•    On April 11, 2023, Z. O. Sakhitzhanova, a senior lecturer of the department with a Ph.D., conducted a research seminar on the topic "Investigating Activities in TEFL." Faculty members participated in the seminar.
•    From May 25 to June 7, 2022-2023 academic year, PhD, senior lecturer Duysembekova Z., master-lecturers Meyrbekova G. K., and Yesirkep D. of the Department of English Philology and Translation Studies took part in and enhanced their knowledge in the qualification course "Oral Translation: Theoretical Foundations and Practice," organized by the Institute of Continuous Education at L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. The qualification course was successfully completed, and Eurasian National University, the dean of the Faculty of Philology, and the organizer of the mentioned qualification course, Aknur Mukhitovna, awarded certificates to the teachers of our department.
•    In 2023, Zerde Duysembekova, PhD, a senior lecturer at the department, became the recipient of the international scholarship "Bolashak" and is currently undergoing research internship at Michigan State University, USA.

 Awards of Teaching staff, Commendation Letters 

- On October 4, 2022, Senior Lecturer Sherieva G.T. of the department was awarded a commendation letter from the university rector for active participation in educational and cultural-educational work, demonstrating competence in her field, and contributing to achieving high results in our educational institution.

  • On December 1, 2021, Senior Lecturer Sherimbetova M.A. of the department was awarded a commendation letter from the university rector in honor of the celebration of the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Student Awards, Commendation Letters 

- Students of the program "6B02335- Translation Studies: English Language" of the department "English Philology and Translation Studies," Kaisarkyzy Akerke and Kuralai Raushan, participated in the competition of republican scientific projects organized by the National Innovative Research Center "Bilim orkenieti" based on the results of the research project. The students showed the best results and were awarded a 1st-degree diploma and breastplates.



  • From April 20 to April 21, 2023, a 4th-year student of the educational program "Translation Studies: English Language," Zhamily Akniet, took the 3rd place in the republican subject Olympiad organized by the Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abay Khan in the group of educational programs "Foreign Languages."