
History and General Information

History and General Information

In 1991, the basis for the Department of "Kazakh Philology" was formed by the department of "Kazakh Language and Literature." Since then, the departments of "Kazakh Language" and "Kazakh Literature" have been separated into distinct departments. Later, the departments of "Kazakh Language," "Kazakh Literature," and "Journalism" were merged. In 2017, due to the separation of the "Journalism" department, the name of the department was changed to the "Department of Kazakh Philology." Zhylkybay Gulimzhan Qyzmetqyzy has been the head of the department since the 2017-2018 academic year.

Currently, the department has transformed into an intellectual and creative center with the highest scientific potential in the university. The department possesses a high intellectual potential, with university scholars and professors constituting 90% of its scientific degree holders. The department has 22 qualified instructors, including 3 doctors of science, 1 PhD, 8 associate professors, 8 candidates of science, and 2 masters.

The department boasts four of the best instructors in the university of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Zhylkibay G.K. (2008), Isayeva Zh.I. (2018), Yergubekova Zh.S. (2020), and Koshanova N.D. (2022).

The scholars of the department actively work on the theme of “Continuity of Turkic Culture: Worldview and History of Turkic Peoples, Language and Literature, Stages of Turkology Science Formation, Aspects of Theoretical and Methodological Research in Language Relations.”