By the decision discussed at the 1st meeting of the University Senate on August 29, 2016 and adopted at the 53rd meeting of the Delegated Assembly on November 12, 2016, the Faculty of Dentistry was opened from the 2017-2018 academic year, and the department was transferred to its composition. The Department of Laboratory Disciplines was transferred from the Faculty of Medicine.
At the department, students studying in educational programs 6B10188-Medicine, 6B10189-Dentistry are taught the following subjects in specially equipped laboratories: medicinal chemistry, medical biology, medical genetics, molecular biology and medical genetics, biochemistry, medical biochemistry, introduction to scientific research, methods research and presentation.
Since the 2018-2019 academic year, the department has been headed by Candidate of Technical Sciences Aibolova G.K. The department's level of competence is 66.7% higher.
Educational programs related to the department:
Educational Program
Academic Staff
Ahmet Yesevi University