
History and General Information

History and General information

The Department of biology is one of the University's structures, which is organized in the field of education, business, and higher education. The specialty of biology was first included in the Department of "general biology andbiological ecology", which was located in the city of kentau. Since the 2005-2006 academic year, the "Department of Biology" was formed in Turkestan. 2005-2006 academic of science, professor A. B. Abzhalelov, 2006-2007 academic year.candidate of Science, Associate Professor A. K. Kabdrakhimova, 2007-2015. candidate of Biological Sciences, Z. S. Azhibayeva, candidate of Agricultural Sciences, 2015-2016 academic year, Acting Associate Professor M. T. Erdenov, 2016-2017 academic year.candidate of Science, acting associate professor a.m. Bostanov, from 2017 to 2018th of the year.candidate of Sciences, corresponding member of Kaznrtu, Acting Associate Professor G. I. Isaev is in the leadership. In the 2018-2019 academic year, students of the educational program 6b01513-biology took the II place, students of the educational program 6b05146-biology took the III place, in the 2022-2023 academic year, students of the educational program 6B01513-biology took the III place. Today, the department has 2 doctors of Science, 3 associate professors, 12 doctors of science, 5 PhD Doctors, 4 Teachers, 7 Master's teachers.

Biology is a specialty in educational and educational collectives and organizations of general secondary education, in places of vocational and technical education, extracurricular institutions of secondary special education and organizations of additional education and training in biology or ecology (depending on the chosen specialty, the teacher, Laboratory Assistant, Engineer Junior Researcher, administrative worker, deputy for Academic Affairs, head of the circle for the director). In the course of the educational process, special attention is paid to mastering foreign languages, providing high-quality education, and establishing close ties with other organizations.

At the Department of biology there is a club "amazing nature". Reproduction of species of houseplants, aquarium fish, participation in the work on decorating the University with flowers and bringing students closer to the wonderful nature. In addition, students of the Department of" Biology "carry out systematic analysis of plant species in the educational and production complex" Botanical Garden", and in the greenhouse located in the garden, they carry out work on the cultivation of ornamental trees from seeds and continue research work.Today, 603 students study at the department in 5 educational programs.

We are proud of our graduates: Isaev Gani Isaevich - holder of the grant" best university teacher 2018", head of 1 Grant project, executor of 4 grant projects candidate of Science, Head of the Department of Biology, Salybekova Nurdana Nurtaevna-holder of the grant" best university teacher 2019", head of 1 Grant project, executor of 2 Grant Projects, PhD. Sarzhanov Fakhriddin Nurmakhanbetovich Senior Lecturer of the Department of Preventive Medicine PhD.