
Mission and Vision


The mission is from deep roots to a bright future! Inspired by the intellectual and cultural heritage of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi, he understands the importance of freedom of thought and respect for human rights in accordance with universal academic principles, develops a sense of responsibility to society and provides competitive and high-quality education in accordance with international standards for the education and integration of the youth of the Turkic world with a high national spiritual consciousness.



  • studying the capabilities, needs and achievements of students, depending on the level of the educational program being mastered;
  • organization of the process of education and upbringing in the field of education using technologies that reflect the specifics of the subject area in accordance with the age and psychophysical characteristics of students;
  • organization of interaction with colleagues, parents, and social partners;
  • implementation of professional self-education and personal growth;

Scientific research:

  • analysis, systematization and generalization of the results of scientific research in the field of science and education;
  • conducting and analyzing the results of scientific research in the field of science and education using modern scientific methods and technologies;


  • research and analysis of professional and educational needs and capabilities of teachers and design of individual methodological support directions based on the results obtained;
  • research, organization and evaluation of the implementation of the results of methodological support for teachers.