
History and General Information

History and General Information

The Department of Mathematics is one of the structural divisions of the university, which has fundamental knowledge in the field of mathematics, is comprehensively developed, has high abilities, business skills, and trains highly qualified specialists in the field of education. The department was founded in 1991 as the Department of Higher Mathematics. In 1999, the department was renamed to "Mathematics". The percentage of the department's degree is 78%.

In the 2023-2024 academic year, 27 teaching staff work at the Department of Mathematics, including 3 doctors of Sciences, professors; 2 candidates of Sciences, professors; 6 candidates of Sciences, associate professors; 6 PhD, senior teachers and 4 senior teachers. The department also employs 6 grant holders of the best university teacher: Professor Turmetov B. H., Professor Sultanov M. A., associate Professor Usmanov K. I., associate professor Nazarova K. Zh., associate professor Koshanova M. D., senior lecturer Borikhanov M. B. Faculty of the department participate in the implementation of grant projects funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Undergraduates and doctoral students of the department conduct scientific research within the framework of grant projects. Holders of the scientific grant: Professor Turmetov B. H.; Professor G. Bakanov; Professor Sultanov M. A.; associate professor Usmanov K.I.

Currently, the Department of Mathematics prepares educational programs for 3 bachelor's degrees, 3 master's degrees and 2 doctoral degrees.