
History and General Information

History and General information

The Department of Pediatrics was created by a decision of the University Senate in 2009. The first head of the department was appointed Professor K. Askambay, from 2016 to the present he heads the Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Tokbergenova Sveta Menlitaevna.

Provides medical training programs at the department: internship specialty "5B130100-Zhalpa medicine," educational residency programs 7R01101- "Pediatrics," 7R01125- "Neonatology." Lectures are conducted on methods of interactive training: discussion of theoretical data with a teacher, clinical analysis of patients, group discussion, heuristic conversation, trainings, elements of training with problematic programs.

The percentage indicator of the scientific potential of the department is 42%, including: candidates of sciences - 7, PhD-1, master teacher - 4.