

Faculty of Engineering / Department of Computer Engineering / Undergraduate

6B06181 - Information Processing and Data Visualization

Course Image Faculty of Engineering Department of Computer Engineering

Preparation of competitive bachelors in the field of information systems and technologies that can analyze, process, predict data in information systems and work effectively in the field of statistical and scientific research.

The concept of the educational program is based on the principle of preparing highly qualified competitive specialists focused on solving the scientific and practical tasks of the Digital Kazakhstan state program to accelerate the pace of economic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan and improve the quality of life of the population through the use of digital technologies. The educational program regulates the objectives, results, content, conditions and technologies for the implementation of the educational process, the assessment of the quality of graduate training in this area of training and includes materials that ensure the quality of training of students and the implementation of appropriate educational technology. The educational program is distinguished by the variety of choice of the trajectories of disciplines for the formation of various professional competencies. The disciplines of the educational program cover the basic professional competencies necessary for the labor market.

  • Designs interactive design, conducting quality assessments of the developed objects of visual information and solutions of applied problems of image processing, analysis and recognition.
  • Maintenance of hardware and mathematical means of local area networks and communication equipment.
  • Applies management tools for Smart technologies and IT projects at various stages of the project life cycle, to make a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the risks and effectiveness of the project.
  • Owns modern programming, testing, protection technologies and tools for the development of secure client-server applications, including mobile, multimedia, Web applications, VR and AR applications, databases, taking into account information security requirements.
  • For applicants in the direction of  Information and communication technologies  (Information proccesing and data vizualization ), the applicant must have a General secondary (full) education or secondary special vocational education, passed the UNT and the final score, scored a threshold score. Applicants coming from abroad are accepted through interviews, provided that they study on a paid basis (for mastering language training and mandatory level of education), (On approval of the Model Regulations for admission to studies in educational organization, implementing educational programs of technical and vocational education Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 31, 2018 No. 600 (amended by the Order of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 26, 2023 No. 29.)
  • Bachelor of Education in the educational program "Information processing and data visualization" performs his professional activities in the field of education.
  • The objects of professional activity of graduates who have mastered bachelor's programs are information processes, technologies, data, methods and methods of analysis, sorting, design, forecasting of various industry information institutions and their correction, as well as visualization and methods of design, debugging, development and operation of information systems in various fields of human activity.