
The department has established its own scientific direction and has a scientific basis and potential to solve the problems of the socio-economic and scientific-technical development of the region.
In the 2021-2022 academic year, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed on cooperation with "Almaty G. Daukeeva Energy and Communications University" and in this context, the joint education program "6B07153 - Electrical Energy Engineering" was created.
Within the scope of the "6B07153-Electrical Power Engineering" training program, approximately 8-10% of the courses are conducted by experts in their field. Within the framework of the Cooperation Agreement with the Kentav Transformer Factory for the implementation of the dual training system, students enrolled in this program are given practical lessons on "Design and Installation of Transformers", "Operation and Organization of Power Plants and Electrical Equipment" by experts in their fields at the Kentav Transformer Factory.
Ermatov Temur, a student of "6B07153-Department of Electrical Energy Engineering", was sent to Bursa Uludağ University to study within the scope of the "Orhun" academic mobility program in the 2023-2024 academic year.
Our 3rd grade students, Ordabek Ayaulym, Yerbakytuly Nursultan, carried out their industrial applications at the Republic of Turkey Aerospace Industries "TUSAŞ" A.Ş.
Research work in the department is closely related to educational activities. "Research and installation of hybrid wind generator based on renewable energy sources", "development of the design of its transformer for small technical systems", etc. Research studies are carried out on the subjects.
Every year, the number of students participating in such events and activities, including attending Republican competitions, subject olympiads, etc. is increasing.
Students of the Department of Electrical Engineering attend student conferences organized by the university every year, make presentations at these conferences, participate in startup projects, and participate in research and development competitions of students of higher education institutions in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In the 2022-2023 academic year, our department students Makhanov Nurdaulet and Tursynbek Abylay received their certificates by participating in startup projects within the scope of the "Yesevi Business Incubation" program.
In the 2021-2022 academic year, our department student Kokanbay Yernar was awarded the II. Prize of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the best research work among students of higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He was awarded with the Level Diploma. Another student of our department, Aman Zajaryet, is the third student of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He was awarded with the Level Diploma.
Special medals were presented to the faculty members of our department on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of our university.
On 07.11.2023, an Education Agreement was signed between Hoca Ahmed Yesevi International Kazakh-Turkish University and Fergan Polytechnic Institute of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Faculty members attended professional development courses on “Industrial Electronics, Automation and Control Systems” at Hoca Ahmed Yesevi International Kazakh-Turkish University Professional Development Center between 13.11.23 - 25.11.23 and at Kentau Transformer Factory Jsc between 05.01.24 - 17.01.24.
16.10.23 - 19.10.23 within the scope of "Orhun Akademik Hareketlilik Programı", visiting Hoca Ahmet Yesevi International Kazak-Türk University Prof. Dr. Nihat Öztürk and Prof. Dr. Erdal Irmak organized seminars for faculty members and exchanged ideas within the framework of mutual cooperation.