Educational goals

The Department of Electrical Engineering was established with three basic missions: teaching, research and public service. Based on this foundation, our department provides students with the attitude, value vision and education that will prepare them for continuous learning and leadership throughout their lives, the sense of working intelligently, creatively and effectively for the benefit of society, in all basic areas of electrical and control engineering; generating new knowledge for the betterment of humanity and disseminating it universally; It aims to produce realistic and innovative solutions to current and future technological needs, to take a leading role in social and scientific progress, and to provide the necessary service when our department needs it.
The aim of our department is to provide students with the necessary professional training while also providing applied and theoretical research. Therefore, students are required and expected to acquire a solid knowledge of basic sciences such as mathematics, physics and chemistry, as well as an understanding of economics, social sciences and humanities, before specialization occurs. The program aims to encourage the development of individual initiative and resourcefulness, with an emphasis on responsibility and common sense.
The execution and development of educational programs and the opening of new programs are determined in line with the general principles of International Engineering education within the framework of the main mission and visions of Hoca Ahmet Yesevi International Kazakh-Turkish University.