I place-Kulzha Gulim" basic principles of working with dramatic works " UAC-011, head: senior lecturer Kuletova U. A.
II place - Zhaksybekova cologne, "the role of folk music in the development of spiritual culture of younger schoolchildren " OMB-811, head: PhD, Professor Sydykova R. Sh
II place-Feher Boglarka" the contribution of Zoltan Kodai in the field of musical education " MRR-111, leading candidate of art history, associate professor Aituarova A. T.
III place - Alimzhanova Zhadira "white style of reading works in verse" UAC-911, supervisor: senior lecturer S. Kyrkynbekova.
III place-Damira Bulatovna" the life and work of Bibigul Tolegenova " UVK-911, head: Master's teacher D. A. Urgenishbaeva.
To become the head of students who have won prizes in subject Olympiads. - Republican (list of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan) - Diploma of the Laureate of the III degree – production of W. Shakespeare's "Macbeth" XIV Republican subject Olympiad among students specialty 6b02192 – acting in the discipline "acting" named after T. Zhurgenov. KNPR, Almaty, 2022.
To become the head of students who have won prizes in subject Olympiads. - Republican (list of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan) - Diploma of the Laureate of the III degree – Alpysbek D., Amirbek S. XV Republican subject Olympiad among students B027 – theater art-acting art educational program in the discipline "Bi"" Sergelin bolgan sergeli " named after T. Zhurgenov. KNPR, Almaty, 2022.
Diploma of the Laureate of the III degree-XV Republican subject Olympiad among students 6b02116-traditional musical art according to the educational program, (student of the MRR-811 Kuandyk Nurdaulet group) in the nomination "dombra " 30-31.03.2022. KNK named afterKurmangazy Almaty.