Mission and responsibilities
The mission: training of specially and professionally competent, educated, qualified and competitive specialists in the field of art and education.
- effective organization of educational, scientific and creative processes;
- training of a competitive specialist in the field of art and education, adhering to socio-cultural values, able to combine personal competencies in accordance with modern requirements in the process of creative, experimental research;
- strengthening integration activities with leading foreign educational and cultural organizations, establishing and supporting international cooperation in the field of specialty;
- increasing internal and external academic mobility, attracting professors, qualified specialists in the field of art within the framework of academic mobility;
- the use of advanced learning technologies and modern educational infrastructure in accordance with the needs of the individual, society and the state in the implementation of educational programs of the department;
- The development of aesthetic education and the rational use of leisure, the disclosure of sources of youth talents, progressive thinking of young people with a new vision.