

Аchievements of the department

The teaching staff plans and achieves the final results of training through the use of effective teaching and evaluation methods in the direction of competence in lectures and practical classes, increases students ' interest in the subject and specialty. Today, the Faculty of the department develops curricula within its competence and uses teaching methods (explanatory, research and interventional) and assessment (knowledge, skills and communication/activity) in the educational process.

With the activity of the teaching staff of the Department, manuals, teaching aids are published, methodological seminars, round tables are organized for continuous professional development.

Associate professor of the Department, candidate of Medical Sciences Babaeva K. S. was the owner of the certificate of improvement of pedagogical qualifications of teachers" Training Educators of Medical Educators", organized and conducted professional development seminars for the teaching staff of the Faculty of medicine, as well as medical secondary and higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the course" development of training programs, training and evaluation methods within the competence area " in the sector of continuous professional development.