
Our Jobs

The main tasks of the Department

  • Organization of work on current and prospective planning of scientific and innovation activity;
  • Implementation of coordination and support of documentation of R&D on fundamental, applied and innovative researches, international programs and projects, contributes to their implementation;
  • Analysis and generalization of practice of application of R&D and participation in determination of priority directions of development of fundamental and applied science;
  • Control over compliance of materials with the requirements of the Committee for Control in the Field of Education and Science of the MES RK (Order № 20, January 12, 2016) and editorial rules;
  • Ensuring the timely publication of journals “Vestnik of Yassawi University”, “Khabarlar Khoja Akhmed Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University”, “Turkology”;
  • Organization and coordination of research studies by master's and doctoral students with departments;
  • Follow-up of the thesis studies of doctoral and master's students;
  • Pursuing post-doctoral, associate professor-researcher, professor-researcher, and visiting scholar programs;
  • Establishing communication with domestic and foreign (authors) scientific articles.