
System Automation Office

  • Department of Information Technologies
Structural Divisions / Administrative Departments / Department of Information Technologies

System Automation Office

Course Image Structural Divisions Administrative Departments

About us

Development, implementation of information technology projects at the University, Information Processing in the educational process, the introduction of new information technologies in the educational process, the organization of the educational process in such a way that it is fully covered by the University.

Our services

Automation of all processes of the university through the AYU Portal system, automation of the work of the admissions committee, the process of admission to the hostel, Organization of integration between the AYU Portal system and other systems.


Tubekov Maksat Orazbay

System Automation Office

Makhanov Nurkhan Amirkhanuly

System Automation Office

Utebayev Ulan Baymuratoviç

System Automation Office