
Our Jobs

Our duties

Our duties: The construction of a botanical garden in the city of Turkestan had two goals: to create a scientific introduction center for studying the assortment of decorative and fruit plants in the subarid region of South Kazakhstan, to establish an educational and production base for biology, ecology, and geography specialists of the second university.
No. 428-Z of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 29.09.1993. In order to solve this problem, a new Botanical Garden was created in the ancient city of Turkestan with an area of 88 ha as part of the International Kazakh-Turkish University.

The establishment of the botanical garden began in 1994. Today, the collection fund of the botanical garden includes 150 species and varieties of decorative and fruit plants, introduced here for the first time, brought from other regions, belonging to 59 genera and 28 genera.

The city of Turkestan and the region of Turkestan belong to the emergency continental climate, which is adversely affected by the Aral-Syrdarya disaster zone.

In the last 50 years, the average annual temperature has increased by +1°С, and the amount of annual precipitation has decreased by 28 mm. There are 225 days of drought in a year. From the month of March to the middle of November, the amount of evaporation increased from the amount of precipitation, and the entire upper layer of the earth dried up. The dusty wind lasts for several months. In summer, the air temperature reaches 40-50 С, dry hot wind - "harsh", in winter - cold wind - "black cold", all this is inconvenient not only for visitors, but also for local residents. As a result, valuable species of local flora and fruit trees are in danger of complete extinction.