
Our Services

Our Services


Oversight of the achievement of its goals by the departments of Development and Coordination.

Report on the work of the department at the end of the half-year and school year;

Supervision of work carried out at facilities subordinate to the department;

The Department of Development and Coordination supervises the provision of modern technology to departments;

Supervision of compliance of departments subordinate to the department with sanitary standards;

Determination and distribution of the staff of the Department;

Control over the implementation of special and extraordinary measures in agreement with the Vice-Rector;

Provide information on departments subordinate to the department for entry on the university website.


High quality of works performed by the Department of Development and Coordination;

Formation of an assortment of types of dishes, pricing policy of the student canteen;

Ensuring proper coffee breaks, in which events will be held;

A high level of service for guests who have arrived on a visit, coordination of accommodation in the hotel, food:

Providing timely delivery of simultaneous hot meals to canteens located on student canteen campuses;