
Our Services



  • Prevention of illegal activities against faculty, staff and students; 
  • Ensuring the security of the University's buildings and facilities and not allowing theft and damage to material and technical means; 
  • Preventing persons inclined to commit crimes from entering the university staff;
  • To detect and prevent facts of economic violations in the field of public procurement and other economic activities; 
  • To carry out preventive and other measures to identify among university teachers and students persons engaged in criminal and criminal antisocial activities; carries out anti-terrorist measures to protect the facilities of AYU in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 305 of May 6, 2021; 
  • Carries out educational and preventive work of teaching staff and educational and training staff and educational and training officers to ensure compliance with service discipline, occupational health and safety measures and civil protection; 
  • To make proposals to the Rector of AYU for the improvement of security measures of the university within the jurisdiction of the department;
  • The Department carries out liaison work with law enforcement and other authorities of the city of Turkestan on issues related to its competence.