
About Us

About us

Kentau  Institution was established in 1993 with the faculty of Medicine and Ecology in its content. The faculty of Art joined Kentau Institution in 1994. The first vice-president of the institute doc.m.s, professor  M.Rysuly. Later one this position was lead by academician, A.Rakyshev, professor A.Baeshov, and docent I.Moldaliev. During 2003-2008  professor Zh.K.Onalbek, 2008-2013 professor  B.K.Mukhamedzhanov were the directors of the institute. Since 2013  professor K.M.Berkimbaev has been the director the Institute.

Kentau Institute consists of 94 employees,4 structural departments. Student of Kazakh diaspor from foreign countries, foreign students and local  students who won Turkish grant study in Preparation department in Kentau Institute. About two thousand  listeners studied ever since.They were educated by 1 professor, 3 candidates, 11 senior Hefurers, 28 master teachers and 18 teachers. The Institute has all facilities to conduct the educational process. Three  educational buildings, sports hall, computer classes with Internet access,  electronic textbooks, multimedial equipment, activboards, and 50 classroom are available for students.

400 bed dormitory, medical servise, library and  canteens are  functioning for students. About  20 thousand books  are collected at the library.

The aim of the Institute

In order to support the Presidents idea about  three prior  language in his letter to the people of Kazakhstan, the Institute is conducting works on teaching Kazakh,Turkish and English languages.