
About Us

About Us

The Faculty of Natural Sciences on the basis of the decision of the Senate in the 2007-2008 academic year became a separate faculty from the Faculty of Information Systems and Technologies.

The Faculty of Natural Sciences has 1,791 students enrolled in 26 educational programs (bachelor's, master's and doctoral studies). Teachers of 4 departments of the faculty (Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Ecology and Chemistry) are engaged in training specialists. In accordance with the specifics of the specialty, interactive classrooms, laboratories, an electronic library, a reading room, a sports complex, computer rooms function for students.

At the faculty, teachers train specialists who meet modern requirements, use pedagogical innovation technologies for international-level education. At the Faculty of Natural Sciences, 8 doctors of Sciences, 23 PhD doctors, 37 candidates of Sciences work tirelessly to transfer their knowledge to students. The degree of professorship of the faculty is 77%.

Faculty Feature:

  • Training in modern equipped laboratories in all specialties;
  • Conducting experiments in various research institutes of the country;
  • Increase in the share of qualified teaching staff at the faculty;
  • Implementation of theoretical knowledge on the basis of special practice in order to strengthen practical skills.
  • Training of faculty students by professors of the Republic of Turkey and other foreign universities;
  • Training of students on academic mobility in foreign universities.
  • The possibility of obtaining a grant and quotas allocated by the Republic of Turkey as a result of an open competition;
  • Availability of information available to students on the websites of universities and faculties;
  • Provision of a library, sports complexes, a student canteen and a dormitory.