
Our History


The Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University in the 2007-2008 academic year, in connection with structural changes at the university, by order No. 1/205 (08/29/2007) on the basis of Senate decision No. 5 (07/07/2007) separated from the Faculty of Information Systems and Technologies.

The Faculty was headed by:

  • 2007-2008y. – Dr. Hussein Celebi;
  • 2008-2013y. – Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Zhumabaev Myktybek Zhandarbekovich;
  • 2013-2014y. – PhD Bostanova Ardak Muratovna;
  • 2014-2017y. – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Azhikhanov Nurlan Tobakhanovich;
  • 2017-2023y. – Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Bakanov Galitdin Bakanovich.

Since September 2023y., the faculty has been headed by Zhanibek Nazarbekovich Issabekov.

The faculty trains personnel in 26 specialties for bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees. The training of specialists is carried out by professors and teachers of four departments: “Mathematics”, “Physics”, “Biology” and “Ecology and Chemistry”. In accordance with the characteristics of the specialization, there are special laboratories, classrooms with interactive whiteboards, an electronic library, a training room and computer rooms for students.

The Faculty of Natural Sciences team works tirelessly to train young professionals in our country and contribute to the future of our country.