

Faculty of Philological / Department of English Philology and Translation / Master

7M02313 - English Language and Literature

Course Image Faculty of Philological Department of English Philology and Translation

Training a highly qualified specialist, a professional with unique communication skills who understands the essence of language and the stages of its development, is able to integrate theoretical knowledge and practical experience, anticipates the development of philological disciplines and adapts to the current of globalization in the world.

The educational program regulates the goals, results, content, conditions and technologies for the implementation of the educational process, assessment of the quality of the graduate’s training in this area of training, and includes materials that ensure the quality of student training and implementation of appropriate educational technology.

  • develops and conducts philological research, critically analyzes the results and conducts statistical analysis
  • has a sense of responsibility for professional and personal growth, accurately implements his skills and abilities in solving professional and scientific problems, responsibly treats a multicultural, multiethnic, polyconfessional society, professional cooperation 
  • University graduates enrolled on a master’s program take a comprehensive test for groups of education programs, consisting of a test in a foreign language, a test for the major of a group of education programs, a test for determining readiness for learning. Persons entering a master’s program with the English language of instruction, shall take a comprehensive test, consisting of a test on the major of a group of education programs in English and a test to determine readiness for learning in Kazakh or Russian (optional). Admission to a master’s program is carried out on a competitive basis based on the results of entrance examinations of persons who have a bachelor degree on education programs of higher education. Admission of foreign citizens to a master’s program is carried out on a fee basis.
  • Education, science, culture, public service, private and public organizations
  • Organization of secondary education of all types, regardless of ownership and departmental subordination;
  • Organization of technical and professional education;
  • Higher education institutions;
  • Research institutes;
  • İnstitutions of advanced training and retraining of educational system employees;
  • Publications, radio and television, newspaper and magazine editorial offices;
  • Specialized scientific institutions, libraries;
  • Organizations related to the profile of the specialty;
  • Authorized and local executive bodies in the field of education.