
Dean's Message

Message from the Dean

Dear Students,

Our faculty strives to train graduates who are aware of their task and responsibility, are worthy of success, strive for the development of the world, are confident, seek, study, think and ask questions, can solve problems and teach them to conduct scientific research useful for humanity and apply it in practice. In accordance with this goal, our graduates of the faculty's educational programs have the opportunity to find employment in public and private sector organizations in various statuses. In addition, our graduates can study in any department of the relevant faculty and work in the academic field.

At our faculty, which provides educational and training services in accordance with laws and regulations, provides services in a transparent way of management in accordance with the requirements of modern management, the forces and experience necessary for personal education are being developed and will be continued. He studied at a modern bachelor's degree, thinking rationally.

PhD doctor, professor
Dinmukhammed Nurmakhanbetovich Keleshbayev