
About Us

About Us

Despite the fact that the name and structure of the Faculty of Economics, Management and Law have changed several times, it is considered one of the faculties established since the first day of the university’s opening, and its graduates are successfully working in the country and abroad. Today, the faculty trains qualified, competitive specialists on 24 educational programs at three levels (bachelor’s, master’s, doctorate). 11 bachelor’s, 8 master’s, and 5 doctoral programs are trained by professors of the Departments of Management and Tourism, Public Administration and International Relations, Economics, Finance and Accounts, and Jurisprudence. Interactive lecture halls, courtroom, 1C accounting room, study hall, sports complex, computer rooms are available for students.

876 students are studying at the faculty under 24 educational programs. Including Turkey, Russian Federation, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, etc. There are students from far and near abroad. Currently, 2 doctors of science, 20 candidates of science, 30 PhD doctors, 22 master teachers, 9 senior teachers and 5 Turkish scientists are teaching at the faculty.