
Student Reps

Student Reps

The student council consists primarily of active young people of the faculty. Their main task is not only to monitor the student life of students at the faculty and the cleanliness and order of the hostel residents, but also to organize cultural, scientific events (sports, spiritual, dance evenings, discussions, entertainment evenings) to improve themselves by participating in them. The student council has a significant contribution to the development of the patriotic spirit of youth, its formation as a responsible person, the comprehensive development of self-government. Meetings are held once a month

The main areas of work of the student council are:


  • Organization and control of the educational process;
  • Preparation and organization of conferences;
  • Preparation for the exam session.


  • Gathering and cleaning on Saturday;
  • Cultural centre: organization of holidays, evenings, shows, literary competitions;
  • Preparation and organization of national cultural evenings, exhibition of national traditions and holidays.


  • Organization of sports events;
  • Organization of the work of the Student Self-Government Council:
  • The student youth council bases its work on the foundations and principles of collectivism, mutual relations, and respect;

Full name



Makhanov Tolegen Baykonysuly3Student Dean
Kuanış Aisha Sadyrbayovna1Deputy Dean
Zeydunova Nazerke Nurzhanovna1Comminity Relationship Manager
Amangeldi Almat Kanatuly1Comminity Relationship Manager
Abdimajitov Asadhon Bahramhonovich1Ministry of Sport
Konysbek Asem Seitzhanovyna1Ministry of Culture
Abathanova Sevinch Azizovna1Ministry of Culture
Shaniyar Dana Daniyarovna1Ministry of Education
Abduait Khandilla Zholbarysovna1Ministry of Science