

Faculty of Theological / Department of Theology / Undergraduate

6B02229 - Theology

Course Image Faculty of Theological Department of Theology

  • Demonstrates basic professional knowledge in reading, understanding, interpreting and applying religious and theological texts.
  • Applies theological knowledge in solving problems in the field of state-confessional relations.
  • Uses in his professional activities social and ethical values based on social norms, acquiring knowledge in the field of Islamic history, culture and art.
  • For applicants entering the educational program Theology, the applicant must have a general secondary (complete) education or a secondary specialized vocational education who has passed the NUT and a final score with a minimum score and successful passing of creative exams. Applicants from abroad are accepted through an interview on condition of studying on a paid basis (for mastering language training and a mandatory level of education), (Model rules for admission to study in educational organizations implementing educational programs of higher and postgraduate education No. 600 dated 31.10. 2018).
  • The graduate of the bachelor's degree in the educational program Theology has been prepared for service in religious and secular institutions, teaching in educational institutions.
  • Republican, regional, state and municipal bodies;
  • Mass media;
  • Expert Advisory Councils;
  • Public organizations and others.