
About Us

About Us

The Faculty of Medicine is a division of a higher educational institution that trains specialists in one or more related educational programs that define the profile of education, with the implementation of educational programs in the field of healthcare, as well as carries out educational, methodological, research and educational activities and forms competencies of the quality of training.

The main goal of the faculty:

  • Training of competitive specialists with knowledge, experience and scientific discoveries in the field of healthcare, able to provide primary and highly specialized continuous medical care to the population as a whole.

One of the educational centers of the Khoja Ahmed Yasawi University is the Faculty of Medicine. Manages the educational and scientific work of the departments that are part of the faculty. Coordinates educational, research and methodological activities. Develops a strategy for the development of the structure, establishes contacts with employers. Studies the market for healthcare services in areas of specialist training.

The university has created all the opportunities for teaching students: new type academic buildings, a laboratory equipped with a modern university clinic, and a simulation center. The main goal of the center is methodological, material and technical support for the acquisition and improvement of practical skills by future professionals in the field of medicine. Currently, the center is equipped with medical mannequins and high-tech robot simulators.

In the 2022-2023 academic year, new microbiology laboratories and anatomical teaching aids were purchased.

According to academic mobility, in the 2022-2023 academic year, 17 students are studying at universities in Turkey. In this direction, a strategic partnership has been established with the Gazi University of the Republic of Turkey.

To improve linguistics, free courses in English and Turkish are organized.

From the 1st year onwards, the faculty has many scientific clubs dedicated to science and science. There is a student scientific society, consisting of 5 scientific circles. Conditions have been created for students to participate in social work, as evidenced by the election of students of the Faculty of Medicine to members of the World Association of Medical Youth of Kazakhstan. Today, in accordance with the order of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 20, 2022 No. 2 “On approval of state compulsory standards of higher and postgraduate education”, the “Continuous Integration Education Program” has been introduced into the educational process since 2022. In this direction, it is planned to introduce new continuous integration educational programs together with the Gazi University of the Turkish Republic. The clinic is the clinical diagnostic center of our university for students of the faculty and 17 clinical bases in Turkestan and Kentau.

In total, the faculty is taught by 126 teaching staff, including 7 doctors of sciences and professors, 32 candidates of sciences and 10 PhDs, 36 masters, 41 teachers. The academic degree rate is 46.7%, the average age is 43.4. In the current academic year, 4 doctoral students are expected to defend themselves.

Achievements and indicators of the Faculty of Medicine in the field of science in the 2023-2024 academic year


Indicative and strategic indicators in the field of science for the 2023-2024 academic year: 13 publications in rating scientific journals (Scopus, Elsevier, Clarivate Analytic, WoS), 35 Hirsch indices (h) in world rating databases included in the EP, control in the field of science and higher education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan published 15 articles in scientific journals and 45 articles in domestic and foreign publications according to the list proposed by the committee. The number of participants in domestic and foreign conferences is 33, 1 monograph was published in the domestic publication.

Our faculty is implementing 2 grant projects announced by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

1. On the topic “Determination of the spectrum and percentage of metabolites characteristic of urinary tract diseases for the purpose of early diagnosis,” the project leader is the head of the department of special clinical disciplines, Master of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor G.O. Nuskabaeva. Three doctoral students from the Medical Education Program are working as part of the project.

2. On the topic “Study of nutritional characteristics, lifestyle and genetic aspects of compliance of patients with metabolic syndrome in a 10-year prospective study,” the project leader is Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor M.K. Alchinbaev. A doctoral student from the Public Health Program is working as part of the project.

In addition, a research project on the topic “Clinical and epidemiological features of metabolic disorders in residents of the Turkestan region” was carried out by Professor I.S. Under the leadership of Moldaliev.

From the 78th International Scientific and Practical Conference held at Samarkand State Medical University, Doctor of Preventive Medicine, Associate Professor R.K. Under the leadership of Kuandykova, our student took 3rd place.

The final conference was organized by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology with the participation of the Kazakhstan Association of Reproductive Medicine and the Health Department of the Turkestan Region.