

Achievements of the department

The percentage of scientific potential of cafes is 70%. Students of the educational program of the Department of Economics, Finance and Accounting are participating in "International scientific and practical" conferences in the world and in Kazakhstan and are winning prizes. In addition, in 2017-2021, 2 of our students are continuing their education at the best universities of Turkey in the master's program.

Syzdykova Aziza Oralbaevna defended her doctoral thesis at Gazi University in the Republic of Turkey, and in 2020 was awarded the state degree "For Young Scientists" of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. At the same time, he is the leader of the scientific project to identify the issues of brand management in small and medium business entities of the Turkestan region for 2023-2026.

Gulmira Zharylkhasynovna Azretbergenova in the academic year 2022-2023, within the framework of the "500-Scientist" project of the International "Bolashak" program of Kazakhstan, at the University of Bath, Great Britain, in the "Leadership in Higher Education Management" program at the School of Management completed an internship.

In the course of training, he strengthened his theoretical knowledge about modern universities and threats of globalization, tendencies and trends, best practices, UCL, University of Oxford, University of Falmouth, University of Brunel, University of Bristol, London Metropolitan University, University of Westminster, Bournemouth Arts University had the opportunity to get acquainted with educational institutions with a high world rating, such as He is working on new researches in the direction of higher education management.

The project was defended on the topic "The effective strategy for Kazakhstan higher education institution (HEI) according to best experience of UK".

Azretbergenova Gulmira Zharylkhasynovna was named the WINNER of the BEST TEACHER OF HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTE-2023 contest of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The teachers of the department are PhD docent  Tazhibayeva Raikhan Musamatovna and senior teacher Sultanov Darkhan Serikbayuly, who has been working at the university for 30 years, were awarded the 30-year medal of the University in 2023. senior teacher Utarov Kairat Alimtayuly was awarded with a diploma of the city akim.

On the basis of the order of the chairman of the quality assurance committee in the field of science and higher education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 654 of October 17, 2023, Saparova Ainur Almpamysovna, PhD Myrzabekovyna Kundiz 50200 - received the scientific title of associate professor (associate professor) in the scientific field of economics and business.