
History and General Information

History and General Information

The Department of Jurisprudence is one of the structures of the University, which prepares highly qualified specialists with profound knowledge and business skills. In 2014-2015 academic year at the Faculty of Law were united departments of "State and legal disciplines", "Criminal law, case management and criminology", "Civil law and case management", formed the department of "Jurisprudence". At present the chair "Jurisprudence" is headed by senior lecturer Phd A. Sabyr. Students studying in specialties 6В04245-Jurisprudence, 6В04282-Law Enforcement, 6В04281-International Law, can participate in the implementation of legislation and regulations in the spheres of civil, criminal law disciplines and labor law, land, ecology, etc., to ensure law and order and legality in various spheres of society in the protection of public and private interests to ensure the strengthening. The main goal of the teaching staff of the department is to train qualified lawyers who meet modern requirements. There are 294 students studying at the department on 5 educational programs. Including from Turkey, Russian Federation, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan and others. At present 5 candidates of sciences, 6 PhDs, 6 masters, 1 senior lecturer and 1 lecturer work at the chair.

Activity of the department: aimed at carrying out educational and methodical, research and educational work.

Competence of the department: training of specialists, who possess theoretical and practical training, with high professional qualification and education, corresponding to the state educational standard.