
History and General Information

History and General Information

The Department of International Relations of State and Local Government was reorganized as a result of the merger of the State and Local Government program and the Department of International Relations based on the decision of the Senate of our university in 2021. Basically, the department was opened in 1998 from the Faculty of Law and by the decision of the Senate of the University in 1999 was transferred to the Faculty of Economics. In the academic year 2003-2004, by order of the Administration (N 2/228 26.08 of 2003), in connection with the creation of the Faculty of International Relations, the Department of International Relations separated from the Faculty of Economics and became the main department of this faculty. In the 2006-2007 academic year, the Department of International Relations was included in the Faculty of Economics and Law, and in the 2020-2021 academic year, the name of the department was changed to "International Relations." 

Currently, the percentage of scientific potential of departments is: 63%, including PhD doctors - 41%, candidates and doctors of sciences - 22%.

The department has 6 candidates and doctors of sciences, associate professors, 11 PhD doctors, senior teachers; 10 - Master Teacher works. The Department of International Relations is taught by teachers from Turkey and Great Britain. In this regard, the head of the department, Associate Professor  Amirbek Aidarbek in 2015 took part in seminars on the topic "Learning and Teaching in Higher Education" at the University of New Castle in the UK and received a certificate of advanced training. In addition, Amirbek Aydarbek noted that the Republic of Turkey.