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2. Mukhamedova, N., Kozhakhmetov, Y., Skakov, M., Kurbanbekov, S., & Mukhamedov, N. (2022). Microstructural stability of a two-phase (O + B2) alloy of the Ti–25Al–25Nb system (at.%) during thermal cycling in a hydrogen atmosphere. AIMS Materials Science, 9(2), 270–282. https://doi.org/10.3934/MATERSCI.2022016 Процентиль: 53%
3. Seitov, B., Kurbanbekov, S., Bakranova, D., Abdyldayeva, N., & Bakranov, N. (2021). Study of the photoelectrochemical properties of 1D ZnO based nanocomposites. Catalysts, 11(10). https://doi.org/10.3390/catal11101235 Процентиль: 78%
4. Kozhakhmetov, Y., Skakov, M., Mukhamedova, N., Kurbanbekov, S., Ramankulov, S., & Wieleba, W. (2021). Changes in the microstructural state of Ti-Al-Nb-based alloys depending on the temperature cycle during spark plasma sintering. Materialpruefung/Materials Testing, 63(2), 119–123. https://doi.org/10.1515/mt-2020-0017 Процентиль: 63%
5. Kozhakhmetov, Y., Skakov, K., Kurbanbekov, S. R., Mukhamedov, N. M., & Mukhamedov, N. Y. (2021). Powder composition structurization of the Ti-25Al-25Nb (At.%) system upon mechanical activation and subsequent spark plasma sintering. Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal, 23(1), 37–44. https://doi.org/10.18321/ectj1032 Процентиль: 29%
6. Kantay, N., Rakhadilov, B., Kurbanbekov, S., Yeskermessov, D., Yerbolatova, G., & Apsezhanova, A. (2021). Influence of detonation-spraying parameters on the phase composition and tribological properties of Al2O3 coatings. Coatings, 11(7). https://doi.org/10.3390/coatings11070793 Процентиль: 64%
7. Sagdoldina, Z., Rakhadilov, B., Kurbanbekov, S., Kozhanova, R., & Kengesbekov, A. (2021). Effect of irradiation with Si+ ions on phase transformations in Ti–Al system during thermal annealing. Coatings, 11(2), 1–8. https://doi.org/10.3390/coatings11020205 Процентиль: 64%
8. Rakhadilov, B., Buitkenov, D., Sagdoldina, Z., Seitov, B., Kurbanbekov, S., & Adilkanova, M. (2021). Structural features and tribological properties of detonation gun sprayed ti–si–c coating. Coatings, 11(2), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.3390/coatings11020141 Процентиль:64%
9. Kozhakhmetov, Y., Skakov, M., Wieleba, W., Sherzod, K., & Mukhamedova, N. (2020). Evolution of intermetallic compounds in Ti-Al-Nb system by the action of mechanoactivation and spark plasma sintering. AIMS Materials Science, 7(2), 182–191. https://doi.org/10.3934/MATERSCI.2020.2.182 Процентиль:53%
10. Rakhadilov, B., Kurbanbekov, S., Skakov, M., Wieleba, W., & Zhurerova, L. (2020). Effect of plasma beam irradiation on the microstructure and phase composition of high-speed steel R6M5. Materialpruefung/Materials Testing, 62(11), 1138–1142. https://doi.org/10.3139/120.111596 Процентиль: 63%
11. Kantay, N., Kasmamytov, N., Rakhadilov, B., Plotnikov, S., Paszkowski, M., & Kurbanbekov, S. (2020). Influence of temperature on structural-phase changes and physical properties of ceramics on the basis of aluminum oxide and silicon. Materialpruefung/Materials Testing, 62(7), 716–720. https://doi.org/10.3139/120.111537 Процентиль: 63%
12. Kurbanbekov, S. R., Min Woo, S., & Chirayath, S. S. (2019). Analysis of the DPRK’s Nuclear Weapons Capabilities by Estimating Its Highly Enriched Uranium Stockpile and Natural Uranium Reserves. Science and Global Security, 27(2–3), 113–123. https://doi.org/10.1080/08929882.2019.1657608 Процентиль: 16%
13. Karakozov, B. K., Skakov, M. K., Kurbanbekov, S. R., Baklanov, V. V., Sitnikov, A. A., Dudina, D. V., … Yakovlev, V. I. (2018). Structural and Phase Transformations in Alloys during Spark Plasma Sintering of Ti + 23.5 at % Al + 21 at % Nb Powder Mixtures. Inorganic Materials, 54(1), 37–41. https://doi.org/10.1134/S0020168518010053 Процентиль:42%
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