6B01202-Pre-school education and upbringing

6B01303-Pedagogy and methods of primary education

6В01478-Artistic Work and Graphic Design

6B01509, 6B05449, 7M05426 Mathematics

6B01510, 7M01506, 7M05325, 8D01503 Physics

6B01512, 7M05324 Chemistry

6B01514 Geography

6B01562 - Chemistry-Biology

6B01573 Computer Science, ICT and robotics

6В01716 Kazakh language and literature

6В01717 Russian language and literature

6B01719 Foreign Language two foreign languages (English-Turkish)

6B01764- Russian Language and Literature in International Schools

6B02121 Vocal art

6B02122 Traditional Music Art

6B02123 Acting art

6B02124 Choreography

6B02165- Pop Art

6B02267 Turkology

6B02332 Foreign Philology (english language)

6B02335 Translation Studies

6B03279 Digital media and TV, radio journalism

6B04281 International Law

6B04282 Law Enforcement

6B05146, 7M01507, 6B01513 Biology

6B05169- Biotechnology

6B05247, 7M05223 Ecology


6B06151, 7M06128 Information Systems

6B06181 Information processing and data visualization

6B06182 Computer engineering

6B07153 Electrical power engineering

6B07154 Automation and Control

6B10155 General Medicine

6B10188,7M10131,8D10110 Medicine

7M01404 Physical Culture and Sport

7M01405-Fine Art and Drawing

7M01434-Music Education


7М01547- Mathematics

7M01557 Computer Science

7M01708 Foreign Language two foreign languages

7М01737 Kazakh Language and Literature

7М01738 Russian language and literature

7М02262 Theology

7M02313 Foreign Philology (english language)

7М03140 - International Relations


7M07158-Automation and management

7M10144 Public health

7R01101 Pediatrics

7R01103 General surgery

7R01109- Neurosurgery for adults, children

7R01110-Gastroenterology for adults, children

7R01111-Ophthalmology for adults, children

7R01112-Anesthesiology and resuscitation for adults, children

7R01113 Psychiatry for adults and children

7R01114 Radiology

7R01116 Clinical pharmacology

7R01117 Physical medicine and rehabilitation adults, children

7R01118-Pediatric surgery

7R01119 Otorhinolaryngology adults, children

7R01120 Traumatology-orthopedics adults, children

7R01121 Urology and andrology adults, children

7R01122 Dermatovenereology adults, children

7R01123 Infectious diseases adults, children

7R01124-Adult oncology

7R01129 Pathological anatomy


8D01713- Foreign Language two foreign languages

8D04106 Economics

8D04114-State and Local Government

8D06109 Mathematical and Computer Modeling

8D06115-Information Systems

8D10111-Public Health