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Assoc. Prof. Candidate of Science, Abzhalov Sultanmurat Uteshovich


+7(725) 336-3636

Abzhalov Sultanmurat Uteshovich

Date of birth: 01/01/1981

Marital status: Married

Mobile phone: 8 701 283 4442



1998–2002 - International Kazakh-Turkish University named after.

HA. Yassawi, Faculty of History and Philosophy. Received a diploma with honors of higher education. Qualified as a religious scholar.

2003-2005 - Kazakh National University named after

al-Farabi, Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science. Received a master's degree with honors. Awarded an academic degree in religious studies.

2006-2008 - Kazakh National University named after

al-Farabi. Postgraduate studies (full-time).

Academic degree: Candidate of Philosophical Sciences

Academic title: associate professor


2005-2006 - Lecturer at the Department of Philosophy of Science and Methodology of KazNU named after. al-Farabi.

2009-2011 - Senior Lecturer at the Department of Philosophy of Science and Religious Studies of Kazakh National University. al-Farabi

2011-2012 - Deputy Dean for educational, methodological and

educational work of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science of KazNU. al-Farabi

2012-2015 - Associate Professor of the Department of Religious Studies and Cultural Studies of KazNU. al-Farabi.

2015-2016 - Head of the Department of Religious Studies and Cultural Studies of KazNU. al-Farabi

2016.01.09 – 2017.01.04 - Associate Professor of the Department of Religious Studies of the Moscow City Technical University named after Kh.A. Yassawi

2017.01.04 – 2017.08.27 - Director – Yasawi Research Center

2017.08.27 - Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities

Additional Information:

Range of scientific interests: Sects and trends in Islam, history of Islam, theology of Islam, new religious movements, Islam and politics.

Level of knowledge of foreign languages: Kazakh (native), Turkish (fluent), Arabic (good), Russian (good), English (with dictionary).

Author of more than 30 scientific articles and co-author of 5 textbooks. Participated in various grant projects for fundamental research (Grant Provider - Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan).

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