The Plenipotentiary Council is the highest authority of the university, having the status of a legal entity, making complex decisions and having the right and competence to determine administrative, financial and academic methods and fundamentals of university management on an equal footing on the principle of “joint institution – joint management”.
The Plenipotentiary Council consists of 10 members. 5 (five) members of the Plenipotentiary Council are appointed by the Government of the Republic of Turkey from among the highest officials of the state. The President of the Republic of Turkey appoints one of the members as Chairman of the Plenipotentiary Council. The Deputy Chairman of the Plenipotentiary Council and the other 4 (four) members of the Plenipotentiary Council are appointed by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan from among the highest officials of the state in accordance with current legislation.
The University Rector is a member of the Plenipotentiary Council.
Members of the Plenipotentiary Council are appointed for a period of 5 (five) years. In the case of vacating a seat in the Plenipotentiary Council, the appointment of a new member is made in accordance with the above procedure. In case of dismissal from the public position held by the person at the time of his appointment as chairman or member of the Plenipotentiary Council, his membership in the Plenipotentiary Council shall be terminated.
Membership of the university rector is limited to the term of office.
The meeting of the Plenipotentiary Council is held at least twice a year. The place, time and agenda of the meeting of the Council are determined by the Chairman taking into account the proposals of the members of the Council and the Rector of the University. The meeting of the Plenipotentiary Council shall be valid if attended by at least seven (7) members. When voting, each member of the board must express his opinion, voting only “For” or “Against”. If the votes are equally divided, the vote of the Chairman of the Plenipotentiary Council will be considered as two votes.