

Faculty of Sports and Art / Department of Performing Arts / Undergraduate

6B02123 - Acting Art

Course Image Faculty of Sports and Art Department of Performing Arts

  • In the course of practice, he uses various methods of studying the history of the theater, the methodology of studying the performance as an aesthetic phenomenon, acting and directing art, the art of speech, the mutual influence of drama and the stage.
  • сreates a stage image using the theoretical knowledge gained about the aesthetic principles of musical culture, theater in modern and different eras.
  • Analyzes the dramaturgical works of famous representatives of art, studies the laws of acting and the first steps of dramaturgy.
  • For applicants for the educational program 6В02123 Acting, the applicant must have a general secondary (complete) education or a state-recognized document on secondary special education, two creative exams and a Unified national testing and complex testing. Applicants coming from abroad are accepted through interviews, provided that they study on a paid basis (for mastering language training and mandatory level of education), (On approval of the Model Regulations for admission to studies in educational organization, implementing educational programs of technical and vocational education Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 31, 2018 No. 600 (amended by the Order of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 26, 2023 No. 29.)
  • In the field of experimental research: plans and conducts a simple creative experiment; contributes effective didactic research results to their professional activities.    
  • In the field of organizational and managerial activities: when planning, he manages the production departments of art and culture institutions, educational institutions, creative teams, and cultural departments, and organizes the work of creative organizations. 
  • In the field of social and ethical activities: mastering social skills that allow you to adequately implement the rules and regulations of life in society, independent decision-making to determine social and ethical problems and your ethical position.
  • In the field of creative activity: performance of roles in theater, cinema, television, stage, individual performance, singing in an ensemble, choir, performance as leading radio and television programs